Contoh biografi dalam bahasa Inggris

Biography Biography is "an account of someone's life written by someone else". Biography can be seen as an recount text as it retells mostly the past life of someone. There are some points you can pay attention to if you want to write a biography. Early life: The famous person,his/her place and date of birth,his/her parents,and many others. Childhood: What he/she did as a child,his/her hometown,school,childhood home and experiences,etc. Adulthood: Further education,jobs,experiences,life after he/she grew older Hometown/country: Where she/we lived and how she/he felt about it. Becoming famous: The area/fields in which she/he became famous,how she/he became famous,his/her achievements,most difficults and most exciting times,and other experiences as a famous figure. Life at the moment if the person is still alive: Where she lived,his/her life and other experiences until his/her deaths as well as how,where,and when she died. Example: